儿歌——With Apologies to Mother Goose【加入收藏】

来源:Hellokid在线英语丨2020-05-11 19:44:34



  Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.

  Then he had a terrible fall.

  An'all the king's horses an'all the king's men had

  Scrambled eggs for breakfast again!

  But oh, no no, don't say I told you.

  Don't go quotin' me' cause if you do, OI Mother Goose.

  Will be awful mad at me.

  Hey little Boy Blue come blow your horn.

  The sheep's in the meadow and the cow's in the corn.

  Now where is that boy that watches the sheep?

  He's out pickin' flowers with little Bo peep!

  Little Miss Muffet, she sat on a fuffet.

  That's kind of hard to do.

  Cause I looked it up and there's no such word.

  I think that's strange, don't you?

  But if she finds out what I said, I ask you, please.

  Kindly send along my apologies to Mother Goose!



上一篇: 英语启蒙教学儿歌学习——You are my sunshine

下一篇: 英语儿歌学习——Why do they make things like they do



