Amazing people are all around,in my family and yours.伟大的人无处不在,就在你我的家人里。
Uncle Rick was a magician.瑞克叔叔是个魔术师。
He went on many tours.他去过许多城镇。
Once a week my cousin Pat visited olderneighbors.每个星期我的堂姐佩特都会去看望邻居老人。
She made cookies and read to them and did them many favors.她做饼干给老人吃,给老人读报纸,还帮忙做很多事。
Amazing people are all around,in your family and mine.伟大的人物无处不在,就在你我的家人里。
Have I mentioned my aunt Kim,an inventor when she was nine?我提到过金姆阿姨了吗?她九岁就是个发明家了。
Uncle Tony became a hero when he rescued me.托尼叔叔救了我之后就成了英雄。
I was swimming, butsinking fast.那时我正在游泳,但很快就沉下去了。
He pulled me from the sea!他把我从大海里救出来!
Amazing people are all around.伟大的人无处不在。
Don't you think it's true?你相信吗?
We can model our lives on theirs,and become amazing,too.我们可以以他们为榜样,这样我们也能成为伟大的人物。