动听的歌声 Nice Voice
Since the new neighbors move next to my house, every morning, I can hear someone singing, and the voice is so nice. So I decide to say hello... 更多 >>
小路 The Small Road
There is a small road near my home. I can go this road to school, so that I can reduce time. one night, as it was dark, I felt a little scar... 更多 >>
英语作文的提高,在于平时的积累,如何能写好英语作文,提高我们的英语作文成绩以及对英语的应用能能力,小编为大家总结了一些小学英语作文的范本,供... 更多 >>
英语作文的提高,在于平时的积累,如何能写好英语作文,提高我们的英语作文成绩以及对英语的应用能能力,小编为大家总结了一些小学英语作文的范本,供... 更多 >>
热心肠 Kind Heart
There is an old lady lives next to my house. Everyday I can see her wandering around the main gate. My mother tells me that she is retired a... 更多 >>