
来源:Hellokid在线英语丨2020-05-11 19:44:34



五。根据ZPD理论,对新知识的输入是考虑。Krashen(Krashen,1982)”把可理解性输入量“(input+ 1 ) 作为学习过程中的一个关键因素。当新的输入知识或信息保持在可理解或近似的水平时,原始知识水平与知识输入水平的差异将进一步刺激学生的语言发展。这和维果茨基的“ZPD”理论和布鲁纳的理论“脚手架”是给成人或不谋而合,在现有的儿童的支持和指导的知识水平范围内的适当水平的同行,是孩子发展和导演的核心因素。但在许多情况下,成人和儿童学习语言,他们被告知只是现有的语言水平是过于简化的语言,而不是更广泛的语言环境的新语言。这一原则实际上与挑战和冒险的重要性有关。如果语言输入始终保持在学生的现有语言水平上,学生就没有机会面对挑战和风险,从而失去了成功学习语言的必要条件。六。语言应以完整的形式出现。多年来,人们把语言分成几个单独的单元——传统的结构单元或语法单元——学生们一点一点地教他们。然后学生们把破碎的东西拼在一起作为理解语言的难题。然而,这不是孩子学习母语的过程。他们沉浸在广阔的语言环境中,吸收和使用整个语言,并在更深的潜意识中逐渐理解他们的结构和语法。刘易斯(Lewis,1993)主张外语教学应从学生的语言段或全语言发展而来。

  Five. According to the ZPD theory, the input of new knowledge is put into account. Krashen (Krashen, 1982) regards the comprehensible quantity of input (input+1) as a key factor in the process of learning. When new input knowledge or information is kept at an understandable or approximate level, the difference between the original knowledge level and the input level of knowledge will further stimulate the students' language development. This and Vygotsky's ZPD theory and Bruner's theory of "scaffolding" is given to adults or agree without prior without previous consultation, peers at the appropriate levels outside the scope of the existing level of knowledge of child support and guidance, is the core factor of child development and director. But in many cases, both adults and children learn language, they are told to just the existing language level is too simplified language, rather than the broader language environment of new language. This princi is in fact related to the importance of challenge and adventure. If the input of language is always maintained at the existing language level of students, students will not have the opportunity to face challenges and risks, thus losing the necessary conditions for successful language learning. Six. Language should appear in a comte form. For many years, peo have divided language into separate units - traditionally structural units or grammatical units - taught little by little to students. The students then puzzle the broken pieces together as a puzzle to understand the language. However, it is not a process for children to learn their mother tongue. They are absorbed in the vast language environment, absorb and use the whole language, and gradually understand their structure and grammar in a deeper subconscious. Lewis (Lewis, 1993) advocates that foreign language teaching should develop from students' language segments or comte language


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