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来源:Hellokid在线英语2020-05-11 19:44:34


 Digital game

Preparation kit: no
Game Analysis: the teacher said: "Group, of"; and a number; "; 5"; or "; 8."";. Children have to run, and according to the teacher's number, with other children to form a group with the same number of peo. Group, sit down, there is no siege circle of children, you have to go to the number of circles.
Note: this game requires a larger space, it is recommended within the open range, or in groups.
Game extension: extension for packet game, prepared for flash cards, and flash card to the children, the teacher said "of"; Group; and a word, hand the word children must be together, on behalf of the other words the children could not move, or get out.
   游戏解析:教师说:“;Group of“;和一个数字,“;5“;或“;8“;。幼儿们必须跑动起来并且按教师说的数字跟其他幼儿组成一个与这个数字相同人数的小组。组好了就坐下来,没有围城圈子的幼儿必须去数圈子的人数。   
   游戏延伸:延伸为分组游戏,事先准备好闪卡,并将闪卡交给幼儿,教师说“;Group of“;和一个单词,手拿该单词的幼儿就必须组在一起,代表其他单词的幼儿就不能动,否则出局。  
 memory test
Ready Kit: flash card
Game Analysis: after grouping the whole class, each team turns 1 children to play. The teacher took 3-5 flash cards and showed them in a certain order. The children who did not participate in the game had to read the words on the cards. After the 3-5 reading, the 2 children who participate in the competition, according to the order to say the contents of the card.
Note: depending on the child's ability to determine the number of cards, or simply ask the child to repeat the word on the card is good, do not need to proceed in accordance with the order.
 the invasion of Demons
Preparation kit: Chair (less than the number of games) flash card
Game Analysis: all children and a circle, one less than the number of chairs, first choose a child or by teachers as a ghost, no chair to sit on, other children can sit down, every child with a flash card, flash card on the word to represent himself, when the ghost children (teachers) at random say one word (such as ap), holding the flash card children must stand up and move, when the ghost children (teachers) took the opportunity to grab the seat, the seat did not grab the children continue to be a ghost, and so on.
Game extension: you can read two or three words at a time, change seats together and increase the excitement of the game.
greetings games
Preparation kit: Chair (one less than the number of games)
Game Analysis: all children and a circle, one less than the number of chairs, first choose a child when the ghost, he had no chair to sit on, other children can sit down, he walked around the outer ring, shoot two shoulders sit children, two children were taken to stand up to the opposite respectively. The direction of the run, I took the opportunity to sit in the chair that a sit down, did not grab as a ghost, and so on.
Attention: when moving, ask the children to say sentences according to the course requirements.









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